Cube Nets

This week we were looking at all the nets you can use to make a cube. In total there are 11 possible nets you can use to create a cube. In class time, we used a website, which makes us guess what nets make a cube and what don’t. Once you’ve got 11 correct that will make a cube that means the rest won’t be able to make a cube. The whole class made a video on them making a cube net they found.

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Isometric fun

This week, we have been drawing, making and building shapes and nets. Our teacher sent us a website where there was a challenge to do. On the challenge, it showed us a picture of the top of the shape, the front and the right side but it didn’t show us the picture so we had to work it out. Afterwards, we had to draw as much cube nets as possible and there are 11 altogether. To test if they were right, we used magnetic squares and built the cube nets. When we finished, our teacher sent us another website that had cube nets on it. We used this to double-check our cubes. In the end, we made videos of us building cubes from a net. We also answered a mathematical reasoning prompt.

Visit our classes on the menu at the top and side of the page to see individual student blogs.